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I've finished episode 9 of the podcast finally. Go take a listen at the website. I've started taking photos again so I started putting the best of them on the website in the photo section. I started a Facebook page for them too. Check out Morgans Meltdown Photos on Facebook. That's right another Facebook page. I might have done and instagram for it too if I remember correctly.                    

Born to lose

So in the last few days I think the universe is against me.  * I can't find the PCA certificate that I need to start my new job. Have to order another one $35 to get it EMAILED!!!! to me. So guess what. I can't work yet. * Car broke down at Phillip Island (2 hours from home) on Thursday. Had to wait til Monday to get onto a mechanic to try to get it sorted.  * Elise went back into hospital for her 2nd surgery for "Nutcracker Syndrome" Its a real thing look it up. Ok this one affects her more than me but it still sucks.  * I have a house inspection on Wednesday. I need to clean up the place (it's not too bad) but all this while driving Elise back to Phillip  Island and trying to figure out what to do with my car.  * One good thing is that it's the school holidays and I get to spend more time with Josh so its not a total loss. 

Reffing Pro Wrestling - I'm getting too old for this shit

 As I write this I'm now in my 20th year of being a professional wrestling referee. I'm 45 and got into it by accident thanks to my friend Daniel Beaumont. I've been flown around this county on tours with hotels and flights paid for and I've also slept in my car after driving interstate when plans have fallen through. It's been an experience either way.  Only in pro wrestling could the flowing conversation be seen as normal Wrestler: So during our match I'm going to swing a stop sign my opponent is going to duck and I'll smack you across the back with it while your distracted with the manager on the outside. Don't worry about it, it's more noise than anything else. You'll barely feel it.  Me: ok  This actually happened and the wrestler in question was right. I barely felt it and it made a hell of a noise. For those that think I might be making this up I present you Exhibit A I could easily tell at least 100 stories of conversations like this that

Drink coffee and destroy

 So I'm changing jobs. I'm going from one aged care facility to another for my own reasons. I'll miss so many of the staff I worked with but life goes on and we all walk our own path. I find as I'm getting older I'm putting up with less bullshit (not that I was really ever very tolerant) so when I'm eventually put in a home I feel sorry for the staff.  So since I've cut out alcohol (unless there's an occasion) I've been drinking more coffee. Not sure that's a good thing for someone who's mind can be as manic as mine.  I'm still loving punk music at the moment. Josh is getting into it too which is cool to see. He has an electric drum kit at his mums that he loves banging away on and I've pulled my bass gutair out and need to start learning that. I think we could have a bit of fun together with that. 

Preparing for war.

  Having never gone trough a separation/divorce before I must say I wasn't sure what to expect but holy crap. So much paperwork and crap that goes with it. As long as Josh comes out of this ok that's the main thing. Been listening to a lot of punk music lately. Rancid, Dead Kennedys, The Bouncing Souls, The Inturrupters just to name a few as well as one of my favourites from Australia - Frenzal Rhomb.  I've stopped drinking. For a couple of reasons such as saving money but mostly to be a better dad for Josh. I tend to do stupid things when I drink anyway. I can do that sober.  I've started doing grown up things. So overrated. Don't recommend that shit. I like living alone but I need a personal assistant to take care of the crap like Centrelink and taxes and bills. 

I've never blogged before.

"Don't do anything by half. If you love someone, love them with all your soul. When you go to work, work your ass off. When you hate someone, hate them until it hurts"                                                                                                                 Henry Rollins  So here we are, 2023 and I started a blog. Why? Why not? Not since the "Myspace" days have I done crap like this. Facebook posts aren't the same. I've been half assing the whole "Morgans Meltdown" thing for about 4 years now I think. I get way too distracted by real life. Between work, my son Josh, friends (that I barely see) and everything else that goes on who has time for YouTube videos and podcasting. I started this year promising myself that Id try harder but it's not even the end of Feb and I've done bugger all videos and podcasts. By the time I think of it it's normally later at night and I can't be bothered by then. So that's w